Pac-Man 99
Looking for Icy snow and Ocean friends :))
Show me your most recent shinies!
Day 2 trying to get a comment from every US county. (I changed the map cause it was easier for me to color them in on this one) (Also I decided I'll do each state in a unique color!!)
Joining Raids from Friends List
What did everyone else get from the wild area event
Post the shiny you never knew you needed
Unlearn frustration community day
Name the one Pokémon that you hate to catch?
Did I mess up?
What's a non Legendary/Mythical shiny you are genuinely glad to have?
Is there a path for solo players?
Which shadows 🔮 are you using your Charged TM’s on??
Do you think this Pokemon is shiny?
Potential answer to where Dieter is
google photos keeps re-arraning photos in album by itself, after i specifically arranged it a certain way.