How to get more Mythic Essence in "Welcome to Noxus"?
Painted my first Piltover Enforcer, Captain Marcus
Halls of the Ancients: Thoughts?
I painted one of my miniatures like Marcus
Harold's Last Day
Tier list based on how excited I was to see a new book in the series
What is one of your redline rules for a LitRPG that if crossed ends the series for you?
DRG, Return to Moria, Vermintide, and Dwarf Fortress.
Someone has Infos on a second Book from Queen of the Mud?
That Someone Might Be Yourself
My new Squats gang, "Cheap Rock Galactic"
My thoughts on "The High Kahl's Oath" - discussion thread
"High Kahl's Oath" SPOILER - a neat little reference I found.
My First Painted Mini
My First Painted Mini (C&C Welcome)
Have Palanite Enforcers been fleshed out?
Alternatives for votijan exo driller
Want to start Ironhead Prospectors
New Squats expansion book "Hall of the Ancients!"
Might be the last of the necromunda squats news for while
Killteam combat with Necromunda narrative?
Can someone please make this mod in DRG for the glyphid stalker?
"How To Drink" on youtube should do an episode about DRG's beers