So so upset
This is a sub?
I remember the surgery vividly
Will it take until around 2038?
How many options are there to get help IRL?
Religious concerns
The vast difference in life quality for men & women
Circumcision Proponents Use Doublespeak to Redefine the Foreskin.
So it's normal for circumcised men to just not enjoy the physical aspect of sex?
Know something is wrong
Argument with a Brit in the US
The claim that we just need to be more moderate is bullshit
Jokes about circumcision
Study: "Filipino boys subjected to ritual circumcision/Tuli exhibited PTSD comparable to Vietnam veteran inpatients"
George W. Bush's anti-HIV program is hailed as 'amazing' — and still crucial at 20
Imma go out on a limb here and say it’s likely she also put her rage into her circumcisions.
How to make masturbation or self stimulation better as a circumcised person?
The fact that no one cares about this issue
The influx of adults who regret getting cut on this sub
I'm a golem
Would any doctor give a tissue expander for foreskin reconstruction?
Has therapy helped anyone?
If you're thinking of restoring, start now
Is a legal action a possibility?