It’s official we are the worst melee dps and diver.
what could be a buff for iron fists ult because it’s the worst part of his kit
Should I get my female cat spayed from a vet with bad reviews or wait for next week and get her to a better vet?
Am tired of Magik mains saying she is balanced, she is not.
Iron Fist ult should extend on successful block
What's a hero that's great, but doesn't need to be nerfed?
I'm trying
Is Fist the only DPS character without a team up?
Insane Captain America 1v1
This sub has increased in popularity after the new Iron Fist changes
Post your tier list
Boosted Players really ruining this game
Here's a guide on how iron fist's gameplan changed, and why the rework is actually good
With the release being nearly a week How we feeling about thing so far?
Are we banning the wrong Meta heroes?
Iron fist on console
Do not play league please
Will Human Torch counter divers?
If the upcoming patch notes are true, they totally missed the mark on Iron Fist
Game is so much fun if luna and Cloakdagger are both banned from the game
90% of (my) high elo games seem to by decided by this
It's sad letting your favorite game go..
Riot is making (almost) the same mistake as Blizzard
Wolverine should not be nerfed but buffed