What in ear monitors is everyone using?
Does anyone else struggle with finding the “right” music to listen to?
How do I stop dropping my sticks?
It feels like I’m not making any progress
3 Most Important Things You’ve Learned?
What should I learn to play like this?
What hobbies to do between 7 pm -12 am after work?
Is looking things up/researching online a mental or physical compulsion?
Anyone else hate the stupid timed comments feature on mobile?
Beware - Japan serves horse meat
Face the truth
My fear of being racist is making me racist
I'm addicted to disappointing people
what makes Tomo a great teacher?
How can I get this bass sound?
what did I do wrong here? Any advice/feedback is appreciated
What are you piano goals for this year?
How to learn on my own
Why does “all drumming sound the same” now?
Existential ocd. Please help me idk what to do anymore
How are you supposed to know when to seek help?
Learning how drums work
How do you get this bass sound?
Can music be mathematically/objectively better?
Mental health & drumming