Sitting for a long, long time...waiting for that glorious second of 100% clarity. So worth it.
What the hell is Juan Bolsa’s Job?
Say one nice thing about Chuck challenge
Yes, Lalo was evil.. but the man certainly had an eye for shirt fashion.
Throughout history, there have been people who committed unspeakable horrors. Things so heinous, it baffles the mind. Here we present two of the worst...the couple who stole Norm's stool.
I've never sat here before. Here I am, sitting on this stool, knowing my life is a mess. I have no future, and... I'm a totally hopeless failure. Yeah. Try it with beer nuts.
Question about first episode after Diane leaves
A Happy Birthday to Kirstie Alley (RIP), she would've been 74 today
A Happy B Day to Kirstie Alley (RIP), she would've been 74 today
After five outstanding seasons, still the best minor character. Out of my way...tool of the state.
Whenever having a bad day at work, jut stare straight ahead, and it just creates a smile.
New Year's resolution - watch entire series for about the 8,000 time.
Releases back to back metal masterpieces in the 80s, then does it in the 2000s. 40 years apart, and still at the metal summit. Find another group who is this amazing.