Post gym 🫡
got my girlfriend this hello kitty set 🤭
Here’s another piece found in my wardrobe, Abu 2500CDL Simon 24k short crank handle 🥹
need for protein 🥹
Love this piece 🥹
Abu 2500CDL
ABU Ambassadeur 2500CDL Ximeng Custom Edition
Is it normal for a 19 yo to have hundreds of fishing rods
What a mess!
Love these ❤️
My little collection
This Lure 🥵
Thoughts on gouki rods ?
This reel for tilapia ?
I found this sub looking up fishing info...why don't yall just go fishing IRL instead?
How challenging life can be as a teenager with ADHD?
Pancake 🥞
If you had a choice, would you still choose to exist in this world, or would you rather let it all go?
What are the stupidest money mistakes most people make?
What are you missing from the lockdown period?
If you could escape to a place where no one knows your past, how do you think your life would change?
What have you been saving for while to purchase?