Shaman looks so bad this expansion...
New Demon Hunter Card Revealed - Ferocious Felbat
New Card Revealed - Alara’shi
So... is there any info about whether this card back is ever getting released?
why is he 3 mana?
What is score used for
Monk Nerf is Crunk
New Warrior Legendary - Ysondre
CR on legendary gems should be balanced in PVE!
Please nerf everyone except me (until I trans)
Monk Nerf Impression
More Misleading Language
Helicopter monk is gonna be nerfed too according to the Chinese patch notes
No more nerfs! It's time to buff all forgotten classes!
Can you switch your server from north america to south east asia? Mine is showing server not available. If yes then how?
For this wording won't this card be broken with sonya+new ysera?
Yoooo, why can't we rearrange emojis?
Odyn Starship Warrior
New Neutral Card Revealed - Barkshield Sentinel
Who should I sacrifice to Boethiah?
Let us buy orbs with plat so we can purchase bundles or other resources in shop?
Valentin legendary chests
Falling through floor in HSB
Why does velen re summon himself?
elder rift credit even if not in rift