Ex Hindu Cult members Rise
Radha krishna ji looking all cool today
Silly questions
Thoughts on Narada Bhakti Sutras?
Mādhurya-Rasa: From Survival Time to Bhajan Vibe
John Lennon vs Srila Prabhupada
What is the authenticity of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu that he is God?
Tīrtha Māyā: The Illusion of the Holy Dhām
The Bhakti High: Is It Really Worth It?
Did you question god's existence or just simply believed in god through parents?
It's good that you're suffering" – The Problem of Compassion
The Artificial Imposition of Belief: A Story of Cultural Download
Lesser-Known Verse Predicting Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Anyone remember this?
Psychoanalysis of Bhajans
The Celestial Game: Faith, Submission, and the Rules You Can’t Question
Sound familiar? (Stole from ExMormon subreddit)
Is there any benefit of thinking of Krishna (or any God) all day long? (while still fulfilling your responsibilities of course)
Whistle while you work? Or chant while you karma?
Why Westerners Struggle to Fully Assimilate Eastern Spirituality
Fanatical Devotion and Humiliating Submission
The Illusion of Authority: How ISKCON Manufactures Intellectual Legitimacy
The "All Consuming" Viśvarūpa. Maybe it’s time to stop feeding the divine and start focusing on humanity.
Did anyone convert to a different religion after leaving Vaishnavism?