With worse graphics made by less people who are paid less.
Fattest nothing burger in existence.
MMW: America will be underwater by 2018
Minecraft is... unwholesome?!?!? Or is Fortnite actually wholesome?!?!?!?!?
Coaxed into using Censorship for Serious Issues
Coaxedinto Biting
Ship discourse
Coaxed into a joke getting old really quickly
"b-b-b-b-but prep time" SHUT THE FUCK UP
fun with bouncy lasers :)
It baffles me how people think Wii is better than 8
(The damage was irreversible.)
Sadness :(
Requiem for a Dream
Ougggggghghgh Ough oighgghghgh
Unexpected turn of events
"DEI characters" Just say gay you pussy
The meme is probably ironic, but the dozen others by other people make me think people tryna do a psyop
Hot take: transformers 2007 was a cinematic masterpiece
/unword my friend gave me this how do i make it look sillier so i don’t get shot by cops seriously help me with this