P27 Ash main here, what’s the general census on us from both sides? Any stereotypes you’d like to share?
Do you ever get disconnected at suspiciously convenient times?
The purge has begun 😬
When you learn something new and it's a little too real.
Did This Happen To Anyone Else?
My DM brutally nerfed my moon druid
You Can Only Afford One, Who are You Buying?
What has this sub become?
Battery size instantly changes
Player logic confuses me sometimes
What’s the craziest “you only won because of ___” you’ve ever heard?
When my players break the module
Which game is most borderlands like?
Where is this idea that fights last three rounds coming from?
"No, you can’t play DnD" [OC]
Which path do you prefer (when available) in maps? I stick to A, every time.
I like to imagine all homebrew campaigns start like this.
Chadlings are shaped like friends.
Hot take: everyone should try DMing at least once
How I look as I’m on my way to lay a dragon
The worst innovations in each part
[Grade 11] Assuming you only know the length of two, seperate lines, and the radius. How did you calculate the area of shaded part of the circle?