It is weird to use substances by myself for one night?
Happy 20th Birthday to the Game I Bought 6 Times
What game was truly "ahead of it's time"?
Happy 20th Birthday ❤️
Where Is Ankors?
Whats a game that you love but would never let anybody know you play
What do you personally consider “hard drugs”
Your buddy pulls these out. WDYD?
Don’t be like this guy: Caught in possession at US Border
I was caught in possession of shrooms at a US Border
What are some countries that have a bunch of narcotics that you can get without a prescription? Also just lax drug laws in general.
My friend is killing himself
Which video game began with a strong start but eventually became boring as time went on?
Playing Dead Space on Acid
If you removed gaming from your daily routine, what would fill it's empty space with?
Those in Relationships: How Does Your SO Feel About Your Hobby?
Drugs and gambling??
How common do you think lsd usage is?
What's the worst that can happen from way too much THC?
Is husband running from me to turn to porn
Name a game that was short but so good
Well ….
Resident Evil 4 Remake is Better Than the Original in Every Way, and You Can't Convince Me Other Wise.
how long till a lsd tab goes old?
I can't believe people are this pathetic.