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your opinion about this video I translate to English
My God, I only just realized that the actress from Cassidy plays Ashley in Until Dawn
Which character from any series do you think Brick would be friends with and be best friends with?
Which character makes you angry?
Becky with more screen time
Sue better known as the Ukrainian thief, barb, Ana Hajarajanaan,the bubble girl, Lily, and Suki.
when I first watched it I thought that Marlene was Rita and had to be married to Mike's brother. 😂
Sue's friend with glasses got pregnant? because in one episode Frankie said "you have to go home, your baby is waiting, it was your choice"
In the episode where Sue's workplace has to choose Sue, Brick, and Axl to be fired from work, who would you choose to be fired?
I have another doubt which song plays when Frankie was in a hotel where she thought all expenses were paid and she is at a show where a woman says "they can take everything from me but they can't take my smile" I remember that this song appeared in 2 episodes, one where Axl complains about his job a
Can someone explain to me the end of an episode where Brick fights with Mike for not buying the planet's collector's items from anywhere and at the end he appears with many collector's items, sorry that was obvious
What song plays at the end when Sue arrives at college?