Is it safe? Are we still coping?
Sharp Meme is hilarious
If/when casual matchmaking becomes a thing, it should keep simultaneous character picks with the option to show teams
Fall off on Figg??
Just started playing. So is online just cheese?
Is non ranked player match just like that?
Did the recent update fix multiplayer on Xbox?
Stet vs Gummy Bear Pt. 1
Player Match > Ranked
High level hand to hand combat no cheese
[Tier list & Recommendations] Ranking all manhwa I have read, I mostly prefer action & good story, please give some suggestions.
Keen sees Gummy Bear for who is. Will everyone else over there wake up?
Is there any reason to not play ranked over unranked?
All my opps is Zesty & one of them got a hand missin
Items and Ranked matches
Ok so still no online on xbox....
Which character(s) were you surprised by how fun they were to play as? These 4 surprised me the most
Who Do You Main?
God it feels good getting these Fusions to Ragequit with the least used Character 😍 Go Queen
The Big 22ster seems to have got once again the adin collab before FMW😂
Pun says if Bricc leaves or gets fired it over for NJ!!
AD responds to Sharp saying he might make an appearance on Cuhmunity
Is it just me or has FMW stopped chanting "teen snipe" since the extra attention from Adin Ross 🤔 Sounds like they don't want to risk ANYONE looking into the Kylie snipe allegations.
Post your favorite Manga Panels
NJ 2.0 👽