I hate eyes/facial features 😭
Shitty service
Board Games Group
Is the amount of narrative content for KDM relatively low?
How to Paint a faded ticket to Ride map?
Need some advice on a deal?
Inspiration for Painting Gorm
Do these beings exist on their own, or are they just products of a ninjutsu?
Need Help: My Troops Always Lose, Even With Equal Numbers (I Play Owl)
The National Gallery in London is renovating its Sainsbury Wing and during construction, they found this letter hidden in one of the columns from one of the original donors making clear his dislike of the columns and how he's glad to see them go
Wooden desk damage, clean or prevention
My little guy skips his back leg when he walks. Not hurt, it's just how he does.
York, England! Lovely Little Town!
Comeback mechanics
My wife reviews my BattleMech
Question about "Inferiority Complex"
What's the most complicated board game you've ever played?
Thoughts on Terrorscape?
Worth the work put into it / KDM game table 💪🏼 #kdm #gametable
Battle preassure and founding stone
Where to buy expansions
Advice for consistency when painting separately
My solo gaming setup
Is cleaning polluted oxygen with deodorizers actually worth it?