Before you enter stepparent role, don't underestimate the impact of custody schedule on your life...
January 2025 KITs - LEAK
I told my partner I want a dog and he’s so excited, but I’m afraid to bring it into the home with kids
SS3 cosleeping rant
Czy branża HoReCa upadła (na głowę)?
Custody switch days are so stresful...
Evergreen Harbor Map Deserves Better...
I'm spending Christmas completely alone, and it's tough. I can't even imagine how stepparents feel when their SO spends Christmas with their BM/HCBM.
AI Muscovy has gone wild...
Is it true that you forget the struggles you had with your children?
[Technical Question] - How does the political map work?
Stepparents who entered the lives of their stepkids early: How the dynamic has changed over time?
Objects like paintings and rugs should have size sliders
Nie umiem rozmawiać z kobietami jako kobieta
Polonia nie powinna głosować w wyborach jeżeli nie płaci Polsce podatków.
Feeling left out on Thanksgiving.
Dlaczego związki partnerskie są w Polsce tak kontrowersyjne?
You can not be prepared to be a stepparent... No matter what you think...
Cozy Kitsch KIT by Myshunosun - 14 November 2024 | What do you think about CC Kits and what would you like to see in the future?
BM is giving birth today
I miss my old apartment
Does anyone have an recommendations
It finally happened. HCBM is accusing me of child abuse.
"I want to go without "insert my name"
RPG Book Recommendations