Could it a actually be jinn
Is it really a mental issue or is it actually jinn?
Has any of you ever met a Jinn in any way?
What do y'all think about jinn and all that stuff?
Is it possible to see jinn?
Can you stop becoming more stupid and slow?
Are you team ابتلاء or team عقاب
Translation: Don't expose abusive mothers.
Let’s discuss religion in Tunisia..
Anyone on here actually a solipsist?
Chnia el special fi el twensa elli 3la reddit bsifa 3amma
Are brothel in Tunisia still open?
الدارجة التونسية بالأحرف اللاتينية تنقب العينين
What is up with dating profiles that look like this?
Is Julani considered an extremist by Tunisian standards for this? And will Tunisia establish relations with new Syria after this?
Abortion in Tunisia !
Muslims strongest weapon
سوء تقدير للذات أم خلل عقلي لا شفاء منه؟
كيف يمكن لتونس أن تؤثر في المغرب العربي و التعاون الإسلامي ؟
Im speechless ,الله يرحمهم
Tunisia’s Fertility Rates
My Theory about religion in Tunisia (I'm open to discussions)
Am 171cm but feel like 160cm.
"Mental Health" is a buzzword we need to stop using
What are you New Year Night Plans