12 months, 58 boxes and 1 mellennium falcon
i am a terrible human being and i don’t know how to stop lying
Type your username name with eyes closed.
I hit someone with my car today and I don’t know how to deal with it.
Drop a picture of your dog in the comments, and I’ll randomly pick one to turn into a custom 3D leather keychain of your furry friend!
Pick 3 flavors
What does my art taste like?
Girl names that include a Z
LMFAO there is no way that she looks like that
Can’t hold the brushes, but I’m still gonna paint!
Gap filler ideas?
buying subglasses she hates
When I was 19F, I snuck out of the house to have relations with a 17M
Bought a switch to keep me entertained on slow nights. What games do you recommend?
She comes home this weekend. Right now her name is Nova. She's 2 months old. Help us name our first puppy!
How would you name this dog?
And the nausea...?
WIBTA if I told my classmate he smells bad and to stay away from me?
Thoughts/opinions on grape soda?
Just imagine…
Is this chairs??
Female cockapoo, my other cockapoo ‘Nova’ in the last picture. I want something that flows together!
She's looking again....🤮