Manga vs Anime
Tv Shows these days
I'm so tired of all the weirdos that my culture has created
The pregnancy storylines were so strange and random.
Why is there a light skinned preference in Mexico?
Ppl who hate on Sakura heard it from a joke when they were 12 and haven’t matured since
This cast 😍
On the hunt for the perfect girl name, looking for opinions on our current list and any suggestions!
What past behavior makes you most ashamed of your younger self?
Can’t Allow Myself to Unfollow Her
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
Anyone else here love the Rob Zombie remake movies, no matter the hate they get?
I am so sick of how women are treated like children.
Was Mac Miller a big-time musician before his death in 2018 or did he only become huge after the fact?
Which one do you choose?
What’s your personal headcanon?
Was raye penber misogynistic?
Roger Nores is suing Geoff Payne for Defamation
am I weird?
I need a consensus about Monica's wedding
Have you noticed how men tend to get so much more angry over race mixing compared to women?
Why wasn’t Darryl a love interest
Just joined a girls group chat a couple days ago and I’ve already left
It baffles me that, in 2025, men are still so self-centered that they go after women who literally say they're not interested in them
What do you hate in reddit the most?