18F Am I fr just ugly?
Long or short hair?
Independent students don’t report their assets, right?
My dream betta was finally found! Name suggestions?
Help me name this little guy
Opinion on Vitiligo representation in games
I’ll never find love fr
What do I need to take in highschool?
15-17. The difference 2 years can make is WIIILD!!
Current Franchise Shots
Current Franchise Screenshots
Just about to get the game any new player tips?
Is this new aquarium light bright enough?
Anyone here feel like they are being gaslighted into thinking vitiligo only affects the skin??
What marine species do you want to see in Planet Zoo?
Which do you prefer?
What’s your biggest pet peeve with Planet Zoo ?
Is it me or the fish?
My friend started faking vitiligo after I started developing it.
How to make my tank less open
Pre Dinner Dance!
why have most of my fish got stringy poo?
W i d e b o i
Are either of these fish pregnant?