Drag Race as different college majors
Favorite lyrics?
Track Ranking on Eusexua?
Singers Eusexua reminded you of?
5 Years
Acting Challenges you Rewatch?
My friend’s sleepy kitten loaf
I had to euthanize this stray little boy and I feel like a murderer
The Tyra Issue
Opinions on Eden Lake (2008)
Words you love to say despite not knowing how to use them?
She Didn’t Respect the Balance
Queens you’re always happy to see on screen?
Can’t wait to see it tonight!
Anyone else going to see the movie alone?
You gotta be jöking me…
Snatch Game Character Dos and Donts?
What's something the Buffyverse writers did that made you feel like they were "out of touch" with the audience to a certain degree?
Mugshot of an Illegal Transgender Alien
This trend is so stupid, I love it
Do any of her songs end in “day”?
Songs ending in “day”
Episode Ranking: Part 2
Boys at School - SPELLLING
Whoever added the spotify lyrics for Björk’s ‘Storm’: Thank you
Season 2, Episode 19