How Bidenomics boosted growth but failed Americans: The US economy outperformed its global peers but left citizens feeling worse off, leading many to turn to Donald Trump
America Is Locked in a New Class War: Money and education no longer explain voting patterns
Justin Trudeau’s Performative Self-Regard | The Canadian leader made progressivism his brand—and ended up looking like a hypocrite
Debunking American exceptionalism: How the US’s colossal economy and stock market conceal its flaws
Why the MAGA Fight Over H-1B Visas Is Crossing Party Lines: Critics from the left and the right say Big Tech companies are exploiting the visa system for high-skilled workers to reduce labor costs and boost profits
The Anti-Social Century: Americans are now spending more time alone than ever. It’s changing our personalities, our politics, and even our relationship to reality
On TikTok, Every Migrant Is Living the American Dream
Americans Need to Party More
Inequality hasn’t risen. Here’s why it feels like it has
The three forces that will shape 2025
Who killed the rave? Late-night dancing falls into global decline
What to make of 2024: A turbulent year has shed fresh light on some important truths
What the ‘year of democracy’ taught us, in 6 charts: The billions who voted in 2024 sent an angry message to incumbents, and warmed to populists on left and right
Yes, CEOs are moving left, but ‘woke capitalism’ is not the whole story: The corporate world has taken a progressive turn, while polarisation is also on the rise
George W. Bush was a much better president than liberals like to admit
Why the TikTok era spells trouble for the establishment: Populism is the winner in the shift from traditional to social media and from text to video and audio
Why do small children in Japan ride the subway alone?
The People vs. Haaretz
Europe’s demand for Chinese tech transfers beats tariffs: Linking subsidies to intellectual property is the sort of strategic inclusion that fosters mutual benefits
How Madrid built its metro cheaply
Syria Is Again a Victim of Its Geography | The country’s civil war is over—but there’s no stability to restore
Have the Democrats Become the Party of the Élites? | The sociologist Musa al-Gharbi argues that the “Great Awokening” alienated “normie voters,” making it difficult for Kamala Harris—and possibly future Democrats—to win
Luigi Mangione and the Making of a Modern Antihero: The support for the alleged shooter is rooted in an American tradition of exalting the outlaw
Bangladesh’s economic progress may have been hyped
Spain shows Europe how to keep up with America’s economy