I don’t want to trigger anyone so this is not art
What would you consider is a red flag when you first meet someone?
Who has seen you naked, that shouldn't have?
What's The First Video Game You Remember Seeing/Playing?
What’s one movie that you love recommending to others?
What accent do you wish you had?
What made you give up on dating?
What behavior screams "I want to feel superior"?
What is the last movie you watched and do you recommend it?
Who are the most shallow people in your family?
New to the subreddit, y'all are amazing
Energy drinks and seizures?
what kind of physical exercises do you find helpfull?
I've lost my identity
Bracelets and Journals?
What is a classic book you like recommending to other people?
What were some popular video games you loved playing when you were a kid regardless if you kept winning or losing?
You are locked in prison for 1 year, what are you gonna do with your free time?
What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
What is the one job you'd like to do forever?
You wake up tomorrow as president what is the first thing you do ?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
What is the first big news story you remember from your early adult years?
People who are single by choice, what is your reason?