When most celebrities die, so many nice things are said about them. But who’s a celebrity that died that no one really said great things about afterwards?
What are your thoughts on Regina King?
Which movie bombed at the box office but you absolutely love?
Better Rap voice, Flow, Hits, Discography, Influence and live Performances
When did you realise that your “friends” dont like you?
What’s the most serious moment in a sitcom that shook you?
Which 90s TV show would you love to watch but can't find anywhere?
What is the worst sequel of all time?
What’s your favorite season in terms of quality acting, writing and storylines?
Which war film affected you the most?
Which modern country artist is in a Alan Jackson lane?
Which tv network (cable or major) makes the best quality shows consistently?
If Biggie was to be resurrected, what would be the first thing you'd tell him?
Who’s a popular sitcom character who you wouldn’t want to hang out with in real life?
Which dad would you choose to listen and unload all your lifes problems?
Which iconic movie should be left alone as a stand alone film?
Which standalone film do you hope NEVER has a sequel, prequel, or spin-off?
What are your thoughts on Don Cheadle?
What’s your favorite Ted Danson sitcom performance?
What R&B song made you an R&B fan for life?
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Better Lead Singer, Harmonies, Discography, Hits, Influence, Run during the 90s and Live Performances-Diamond Rio, Shenandoah, Little Texas, or Sawyer Brown?
Which 90s movie made you a movie fanatic for life?
What is something you refuse to accept?
Which celebrities took over the 80s decade as far as popularity is concerned?