"And when this foul urge calls, it possesses my WHOLE being"
Dhourn, after you kill the spectator in the Underdark.
What’s the type of armor Dracula uses in Blade: Trinity?
Greedy little coward😤
Why does venom snake and Zadornov have the same arm
RIP "The Handler"
I still panic shoot him when he shows up in BotB
My survivability's about go through the ROOF if melee exalteds aren't the only ones getting access to arcanes xD
when did they add tornadoes
It was a misinput!
I know he gets alot of hate but he probably was the best looking male Targaryen in both GoT and HOTD *Edit: Just blonde hair Targaryens*
I wonder what those two are upto
Friendly Fire in the real world.
What are some of the overrides y'all'd like to see return as mods or arcanes?
If you want more people to play the game , stop harrassing the few variety creators that do !
When you get hit with the ol' switcharoo during the New Year's Kiss
Man I hope DE fixes this face swap bug cuz WHO IS THIS TIRED OLD MAN?!
I know what I must do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it
Hunter Moment
It's me, I'm mfs
Finally! An ornament for Actium War Rig that doesn't give my titan a beer gut xD
Overpriced and cheaply made junk
Vanguard, if I was able to have my cake and eat it too xD
Servers got me straight tweaking🫠