Which U.S. States Have the Most Vacant Houses per Homeless Person?
Inauguration Day is on a federal holiday, but Election Day isn't?
248* years but.. “whose counting?” Am I right?
What's on your wishlist to change about Capitol Hill?
Michelle Yeoh’s 'unpredictable' “Star Trek” role inspired every facet of “Section 31”: 'You have a woman on fire' (exclusive)
What it takes to join the top 1% income percentile in the USA
Just a small tip on a Friday: You can clip a conveyor lift through ground to get underground ore to the surface.
2025 Salary Thread
TIL: Bajorans clap differently than humans
In 1974 Jerry Pournelle wrote an essay for Galaxy called "Those Pesky Belters and Their Torchships"...
What's the best Steak i can get in Seattle?
Entry level volunteer
Hasan Piker interviews Kimbo, a Los Angeles incarcerated firefighter who is only paid $180 a month while working 12-24 hour shifts (source: @HasanabiProd)
What does a staff need to do to change a tip pool?
[Homemade] Its cold out, so we had to make chicken and dumplings.
What’s something you always need but always forget when starting a new colony in RimWorld?
Holy... Germany is cooked. Dear Germans, be careful who you vote for.
Canada Lawmaker Suggests Letting 3 US States Join, Get Free Health Care
ELI5: Why can’t California take water from the ocean to put out their fires?
RFPNW inland sea service/national crossover hack
Cutting crystal clear ice cubes
Zero tip on the card
Stealth homelab 3.0 - wife approved!
Georgian folk dance