AITAH for demanding boyfriend (23M) show me phone after friend sent me (21F) his tinder profile
Aita for thinking I should be allowed to see my friend after giving birth over my husband going to the gym?
AIO for cutting of my friends for no longer inviting me when they go for drinks?
AIO for asking my girlfriend to drop the topic before it became an argument?
I think I’m going to end it all soon
How do I explain that I didn't Relapse because "I didn't love someone enough to stay clean?"
Is it normal for a person without a sense of smell to not cough or sneeze regardless of how much insecticide they’re throwing in a closed space?
Is it normal to 'placebo' yourself into acting or feeling like someone else
I (18F) feel like i’m running out of time
I’m 18 and feel lost in life and like a failure
AITAH for asking the neighbor to move their car?
AITAH for refusing to switch seats on a plane, even though a mom wanted to sit with her kid?
Is it possible to convert a regular car to take pure ethanol fuel?
Why does Hungary have a different attitude toward China than Poland and Czechia do?
Whats with peoples obsession with chick fil a
AIO My mother just told me "I hate you sometimes"
AIO for being hurt by someone not coming to my graduation?
Im mentally stuck
She’s with a new guy
Family drama AITAH?
This is all itachi had to do
That's vein-tastic
I don't know if what I did was right...
Cousin thinks we excluded his daughter
AITAH for refusing to let my sister (24F) and her fiancé (25M) stay with me (27M) after they insulted my girlfriend?