How are you feeling about the TıkTоk ban?
What is a heavily debated topic that should’ve been resolved a while ago?
What’s an annoying bad habit that you subconsciously do?
What are your standards for a person you want to date?
If you had to remove one finger on your dominant hand, which one would it be?
What thing do people do that they think is “polite” but is actually super rude?
Stores only sell what the stores’s name is, what store are you shopping at first (ex. Target)?
When you were a kid, what were you so sure about that ended up being completely wrong?
What is the most unintentionally backhanded compliment?
What’s made you happy today?
What common misconception is the most irritating in your opinion?
What’s a word that should be a word, but isn’t a word?
What sports player would do better in another sport besides the one they already play?
What music artists/bands NEED to collab?
What invention should have been invented already, but hasn’t been yet?
Parents, what age of your child was/is your favorite so far?
What’s the most hypocritical thing people do?
What’s a super original experience that you are convinced that only YOU have had?
If you discovered a new continent what would you do?
What’s a super, SUPER specific pet peeve you have?
What normal daily occurrence for us would absolutely stun a victorian child?
What your (super specific) favorite time of day and why?
What would you absolutely devour if it was edible?
What’s your favorite color (No one asks us oldies this anymore)?
What thing do you do nowadays that you would have been burned at the stake for?