who is this?
Guess my job based on the contents of my pants?
I will literally Venmo someone $20(usd) if they can suggest a girl name I adore
Putting away this year’s Christmas ornaments.
Eggs: $32.99. 2025 vibes
I don’t want anyone to win this year
AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide
Opinion: no islander is likable
Green Flag Islanders vs. 🚩
Is Mercedes a lizard man?
Mimi look alike!!
Please help identify this creature’s species for me! I’m drawing a blank! And I love him. 🥹 (ep 2)
Item in hands in the cheers shot
Who ships?
Made those for each of my players after completing a six year long campaign
Poor em
All of these have been matched to me in a shop, by a human with eyes. I feel like none of them are even close
hulu is behind???
Looking for a D&D podcast similar to Rude Tales of Magic??
I might be calling off my wedding tomorrow
Eilisha and Em
Why is it so hard to find a aquatic/marine WOMENS perfume! Argh
Okay hive mind, where can I find the best horchata in Santa Rosa?
I was told my boy would fit in well here!
went to browse at the shelter, ended up adopting the hospice chihuahua ❤️