An overcommit led to one of my most insane saves
Hit my first ace today!
Another line for maple hill 16
What’s a seemingly minor decision you made that ended up having a big impact on your life?
This huge pipe wrench my friend has
Finally hit a decent pinch with my buddy
This snowboard leash I saw today
This huge cloud that looks a wall
Best emergency backup laptop for designers?
Does anyone know the font used above and below the ski-doo logo?
The way my roommate makes his peanut butter and jelly sandwich
A tree fell on the basket at my local course
This is in a park close to my house that is newly built. What is this thing?
DGD USA GIVEAWAY: Simon Lizotte Proto Time-Lapse!
What’s the most physically painful thing that has happened to you?
Obligatory “what are you throwing on this?”
What disc are you throwing on this hole?
Giveaway Time! What's your go-to midrange? (no purchase necessary)
I am giving away my disc collection (giveaway)
Finally shot under par today at my local course! My previous PR was 0 😁
There’s a big crouton in this bag I just opened
Looking for beautifully designed tutorials, how-to's etc.
After dashing for 2+ years through college, I finally landed a full time job after graduating a couple months ago :)
Anyone know how I would be able to create graphic fonts like this? Any tips are appreciated