Great news for the Leading Edge, Its alive!
My coworker takes a shower in the office shower and he found this inside of them.
Someone gave him the boot
Lucky find at used bookstore today!
Came across some disks with a nice letter from 1993
Where were Bulletin Board Systems available in the 80s?
It has come full circle: non-alcoholic alcoholic seltzer water
What game blew you away when first seeing it?
I should call her...
Timelapse clouds over the snow in Alexandria this afternoon
Surely I'm not the only one who sees a field full of testicles
What celebrated movie actually has a terrible message?
We've heard of floppy discs and cassette tapes, but what about ZIP discs and microcassettes?
Ponds are frozen in northern VA
It’s the little details.
Can anyone give guidance? Purple, green, and white gibberish on screen after booting [apple //e platinum]
My parents would buy me odd toys. I got Capsela one year. I never met another kid that had any.
New Mac, whatcha think?
After months I’ve finally got agetty working from wsl on window in a tvi912c
"MuffinTerm": A Great New Terminal App for BBSing on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
Atlas, keep me!
Worlds Part 2 - this is what i predict..
Absolutely NO clue what this is
First real battle station, the great Tandy 1000 TX!
How to clear text highlighting when searching Photos