Treat recommendations
Nintendo switch 2 is here
Jarred garlic
AITA because I'm second guessing having kids due to our opposing views on vaccinating them?
How do I get rid of these?
Possible Switch 2? Are you happy with this?
Sibling 2024-2025 help
what do i do with this?
My daughter's Christmas present. What else should I buy?
Can’t decide if I should paint the wall with the door on the right, or keep it white?
Reimagined shiny Pokémon pt.2! (Thank you all for the support <3)
Lost all my packs
Bf told me to pack my bags and leave
AITA for telling DIL she married into the wrong family after a comment she made?
What is that..?
WIBTA if I announced my pregnancy at my Christmas/birthday party even though my sensitive ex would be there?
Why wasn't the group named 5minute instead of 4minute?
WHO VACATIONS IN FLORIDA DURING A HURRICANE!? Mama Jill doesss, and no she doesn’t care 👀🫣
[Misc] Found these in a closet. Will my skin melt off if I use them?
Is your flag based on your island theme/name? Let me see!
If you were not planning on voting, undecided or voting Republican, has Taylor influenced your decision after her endorsement?
What’s an ironic thing that happened to you while listening to a certain song?
My husband just put all of my makeup in resin and I’m seriously contemplating divorce
I've decided to make my farm a lush, green, cozy park. Is there a way to make it even greener? As I know there's no such thing as grass tiles. Is there at least potted plants recipes?
It's the end of the world: what is the last Taylor song you listen to?