In the 80s patient “George” with severe OCD shot himself in the head attempting suicide. Rather than killing him, the bullet destroyed the part of his brain responsible for OCD.
What do you think ? You love it ? 🙀😻
Both, both are good.
I’m pulling up like Cam 😂😂
One of the best moments in Buffy. Gets me every time.
AITA for refusing to attend my best friend’s wedding after she tried to steal my fiancé?
U.S. death row prisoner chose a cigarette over a last meal, but the prison refused, citing health risks. He was electrocuted just hours later
Tucker and Mike!
To persuade his first wife to accept a divorce, Einstein promised her the entire financial reward from his Nobel Prize. Three years later, he won the prize and transferred all the money to her.
Winner winner chicken finger! 🐓🖕
Why is recreational drug use so rampant in Australia?
"Character development: unlocked. 🎄🧦😂"
Good Putting Tips?