What do you think my name is? 🐾
The real way you lose the baby weight...
Just a reminder
Newborn only sleeps in lounger?
Big yawn
Let’s talk about sex !
Having a baby ruined me
Everyone with a chill kid... I hate you
I met my best friend on the school bus in 6th grade circa 2004. We’ve been together ever since.
Coworkers trying to name my baby!
would it be rude to request no clothes for a first birthday party?
When is it okay for my baby to sleep on her stomach?
How long do you usually wait to change a poopy nappy?
Is there a moment from your labour that makes you look back and laugh?
How many bottles do you have?
Is It Too Early to Transition My 3-Month-Old to Her Own Room?
Every fucking time
Anyone else completely unphotogenic, especially in a group of neurotypical women?
People need to stop telling me that babies are portable.
I spend the entire day feeding or trying to put him to sleep. The entire day. Entire. Day.
Any “one and done’ers” having second thoughts?
Just in need of a reminder
Does anyone else lowkey obsess over people?
How much has being a first time parent humbled you?
I don’t think this is right ? (This is the frenchies kennel)