Please someone give me strategies to survive elders quorum this weekend… dear god it’s like psychological torture.
What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
Pre-marital Sex - Wife’s Hard Line
Cast members you probably shouldn’t love but do
I can’t stand this anymore
Where were you 25 years ago on New Year's Eve 1999?
Dating for a year and don't see their apartment?
Looking for a girl middle name that is also a song title.
What song do you want played at your funeral?
What do you think brings out the worst in everyone?
What song is torture to you?
What's a song you heard that sounds happy but actually has depressing lyrics?
Dirty Sue
Liana or Amara more beautiful?
Joined the club 4 days ago
Who’s your favorite female artist you’ve seen in concert?
How do I talk to my parents?
Best anti-war songs
I'm looking for some Lullaby songs
What is happiness to you?
What is the most ridiculous thing about the church that you look back on and can't believe you truly thought was real?
fell on my stump
What did everyone have 25 years ago that no one has now?
how many of us were actual “latchkey” kids?
Songs that end with people talking.