Suggest me some of your fav albums i feel like listening new music
I've never heard rap songs before but now I'm thinking of trying some, so what are your "must listen" song
What song makes you feel like this ?
Ham bhi ye challenge krenge! Tmkoc fav/famous dialogues
I’ve got 40k coins to burn, so I’ll give gold to everyone who comment on this post :) let’s go!!
Man share his snacks with a monkey chilling
It’s international cat day so put your fav pic of your kitty below (i wanna see all the cuteness 🐈💖)
Which according to you is the most annoying/irritating arc ?
Meet Sir Thomas O’Malley, the alley cat
What do you guys think he is doing? Wrong answers only.
Which loaf is better?
Found this little kitten in my backyard. Not sure what to do !
Java Programming Buddy
You know the drill, give me a number between 1-483, and I'll give you a song
Platform to connect with other learning developers
Give me a number between 1-200 and I’ll give you an artist to listen to