YSK being an organ donor does not reduce the quality of the care you receive in an emergency
Every team needs a DJ like theClimate Pledge DJ
Love the Climate Pledge DJ
You are forced to live inside a ND game, which one would you pick?
My outfit for the Ghost Movie
Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - May 2024
Menu question -lamb and tenderloin?
My sister in law just downloaded her first ever ND game!!
DATHOML Orchestral version
Vertex clone?
Palliative Medicine as a First Job
I got my dress back and I feel so unsure. I need to lose a few inches, and I just need some encouragement that it isn’t a terrible choice.
Is it bad if I assign a back up Best Man for my FH?
We Graduated! Nov. 10 2023!
Gave my new shoes a Ghost paint job
No Rehearsal Allowed at Venue
What’s a happy sounding song that’s actually really sad and depressing?
Found this on IG [ns]
First Shift in ED as New Grad
(Serious) If it's so ethical to put pets to sleep how come we never put people to sleep?
What's a double standard that you're actually fine with having?
My last three shinies have all been Poliwags
Leaks will not be tolerated: An Update
We’re getting family photos done next week and this is what I’m planning on wearing. They were supposed to happen last fall but life, so now they are spring photos. 🌸 What do you think? Too much? Not enough? Just right?