And so it continues
What in the name of schizoposting is this?
"Free Penistine" - Unknown Canadian activists
Bring 👏 back 👏 asylums 👏
Islam? Mid.
Cross Compass "Grooming" Gang Unity
The depravity of some people knows no bounds
Whatever could it be? 🤔
"The peoples of the Global South stand in solidarity with their fellow oppressed POC against the white racist West -- wait, what are you doing!?"
Iran having a normal one
Socialists: in an ethnically/religiously heterogenous state, how will you manage different cultural perspectives on ownership, work, community, individualism, etc.?
Leftists get a little scientific racism too, as a treat
Socialism hinders innovation and enables a culture of stagnation
Leftists: why is forcefully seizing the means of production preferable to simply buying your own MoP?
What are the quintessential texts for understanding your specific ideology?
Doesn't the existence of wealth inequality, as well as crimes committed by wealthy people, disprove the idea that humans are inherently altruistic?
Recently, it was brought up how Doom is fairly consistently shown as being chauvinistic towards women. I'd thought I'd add some examples I've seen while reading his character. (Note: last one is from an alternate universe)
People need to stop jumping to conclusions so quickly
France flies out 2 Mirage fighter jets from Chad to signal beginning of military withdrawal
Two California boys shot at Christian school in revenge for Gaza
Active Conflicts & News MegaThread December 07, 2024
China is calling all its citizens to leave Syria as soon as possible
It is the worst platform ever
Genuine question for the compass: who is Soros and why does everyone hate him?
Just let me enjoy my memes in peace