My dad has Cancer and I don’t know how to feel
Feel like my account can’t rank up
What should I do?
What’s trumps plan or goal with the tax cuts?
Dcl or Royal??
Why do teen boys obsess over trump?
What do people mean when they say “Reddit is an echo chamber”?
How long does learning to float take??
Do rowing boats capsize?
Why do teens feel the need to vape and zyns?
How often do you want to be texted? Should I text first?
Broke my streak, now not able to restart
My painting is entitled "Abandoned Vehicle"
Should I settle for a relationship or keep looking for the one?
Is endurance or strength more vital in rowing?
Are you all gay or just here to laugh yall asses off?
Quick add question
Do I weigh too much to row?
Why is being late normalized?
Pain directly under the knee
İ am confused
Is it shin splints?
Most underrated Lana songs
Do I have to take off my paddles every time i charge in the case??