Updated Schedule for 2025 Releases
Singalong EP - releasing on 02/14/2025
Is Yuko bae?
Would You Still Be Faithful to Joy???
Chihiro is way too cute and adorable and super pretty
First playthrough. Why do I ship them together for some reason lol
Which team lineup did you mainly use during your playthrough/run?
I just finished the game with the true ending and 90hrs of playtime.. I've never played a single player game for that long ! .. i feel empty now .. also this is my first persona game which game from the series should i play next ?
What makes a player a scrub?
Who's the hottest character in Tekken?
What do you think Yukari’s favorite anime would be
New Game+ or Persona 5?
Who would win in a game of Yu-Gi-Oh!?
What game if remade for switch would be a dream come true for you?
P3R blind playthrough - things to know ahead of time?
Who would win in a game of Poker?
Mitsuru in Sexy Gear outfit. Meowwwwww~
what game genre would fuuka be playing if she was a gamer?
Makoto and Mitsuru drinking some tea together~
Cute selfie~
Angie Yi riding cock naked
Stunning and dazzling in a pretty outfit~
Tatted up~
Recent IG Story - pretty~~~~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰