Anyone stop cleaning their house? I can’t do this anymore.
“I’ve(28f) been faking most orgasms with my husband(31m) for years and now it’s causing problems “
Caught my husband
I Want to be a doctor. Husband wants me to be a sahm
I 33m feel like l'm being emotionally abused, but of course I'm being told by my wife 34f that this is the opposite. Can anyone help me feel like l'm not insane?
Husband and I can't agree on a name for baby boy
I 33m feel like I'm being emotionally abused, but of course I'm being told by my wife 34f that this is the opposite. Can anyone help me feel like I'm not insane?
Do people actually brush their teeth before breakfast?
One syllable girl’s name
How do you tell a colleague that they smell?
What do I do about my bio dad on my wedding day?
AITA for telling my wife I need her to backup my parenting?
Pick your top 3 from 10
My bf (28M) said he would leave me (24F) if I couldn't have kids
My fiancé tucks me in every day.
Our grandmas/great grandmas did not want 10-20 kids....
Where do your dogs sleep at night?
My bf (28M) said he would leave me (24F) if I couldn’t have kids
Help me love my son’s name lol
I yelled that my bf is ungrateful for the gift i bought he said wasn't good enough. Now he's hurt.
What do you think of Delilah and Leilani for twin girls?
I think I broke my wife.
AIO ended relationship because girlfriend would not honor my requests.
Is it still acceptable for men to open doors for women?
My boyfriend called another girl the most beautiful girl he's ever seen