My physical therapist was shocked by how much trauma I've been storing in my body
when reporting vote manipulation, do you paste the URL of the thread or of the individual comments in the thread where the vote manipulation is happening?
What can I do to make cabinets less loud when closing?
CNN is talking about the "bottle to throttle" rule that says pilots cannot fly until there have been 8 hours since drinking. 8 hours?! How is that enough time? Cuz drunkenness disappears after 8 hours - sarcasm
What is the reason before you do anything online you have to choose pictures of crosswalks and motorcycles?
I went to the store to buy some cushions for these cabinets (so they don't close loudly) and they were hard. How do hard bumpers lessen how loud they are?
now, you can use a box fan and a single filter?
has anyone made a really small cr box?
Filter to use for dust and cat
Fucoidan: is it healthy?
Microsoft cannot read webpages no matter what it tells you. This website is about hyaluronic acid and studying cancer research. Microsoft got it wrong TWICE.
Trump and crypto
[Recovery] 80% recovered from Baricitinib
Question for those of you who have ordered the Amy o the blood tests
His stance on flouride
endocalyx pro
How does "breathing into the concavity" help? Shouldn't you breathe into the convex side to bring it to the center?
Is there any reason to have an iodine serum test?
So much confusion, which tests to get for thyroid function?
So you can ignore ApoA and just get ApoB and lipid tests, right? Lp(a)
isitbullshit: Japanese "black" companies (description inside)
did anyone get an il-6 test? Does it change anything about your diagnosis?
5k in USD, 2k in Coinbase/Robinhood, 1k is in LTC, other 1k in Alts
Can collagen prevent more disc herniations?