in 10 years of playing this game the weirdest game i ever win just happen
Losing motivation to play the game
I feel like I'm a gambling addict playing league. How can I quit this game?
will ranked be disable for how long?
What is the most unfun chmap to play against
Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!
Idea for skin line (millions of USD guarantee for riot)
I made one last year and you all liked it, so here is another sound design concept for the winter months, Reindeer Lilia! Art by u/harimii
Do you also wish you could main a champ but get bored too quick?
Adam's tweetlonger on why he left Fnatic
Before Dawn | Sentinels of Light 2021 Cinematic - League of Legends
Drew Akali and Kayn for the League art contest!
Samira, The Desert Rose | Champion Theme
Confession so i can be in peace!
Steve Aoki will be performing an LEC Finals warmup show tomorrow at 14:45 CEST
Spirit Blossom Ahri Special Interactions
Some typography animations i did in my free time
My collection of typography animations
Some 3D animations i did using typography
twitch 1v5 pentakill diamond 1 elo
An Average Lee Sin Montage
what fonts are used on this logos?
what's the name of this logos fonts?
Good text/story/article to make an one minute animation?