Coworker threw away the valentines gifts I made : (
My new manager guilt shamed me for a doctors note
AITA for correcting a friend when she said she “re-homed” her cat?
Used to be a homeless minor.
What car does this belong to
I despise fake plants
Do I need to separate these plants or can I keep them together?
Got it for 4 bucks now what
Did a double take and had to question the customer on this. Did you need a spoon with that?
I need a tally, how many of us have had a panic attack before or after work, and how many of us have had suicidal thoughts on the floor?
Frustrated how they let this slide
A woman from Springfield, Ohio addresses the town’s Haitian immigrant “crisis” with an expert level of sardonic wit
Racist asks Canadian to go Back to India because he doesn’t look “Canadian.” Racist dies inside when she realizes the Canadian can speak French and she can’t.
Fav tastiest drink when trying to watch calories/weight?
Got her for 3$ at a grocery store near me
What is your hottest take (Starbucks edition)?
Can I grow my Cathelia white fusion in a leca/water style?
Potatoe soup
Bacon sausage wrap is so disappointing
[Request] Sweden to US or Japan
me irl
Barista hate to see him com’in
Soup to cure the soul