Why are we still getting 1 PS+ Evos and Honourable Mentions SBCs?
Help! No finesse+ on my 500k evo
Summer of football objective xp
Parking the bus in the new patch
First time using roles, I SHOULD HAVE USED THEM EARLIER
Store Packs
Well this is interesting
Skip opening animation on companion app
Squad Battles Rewards Megathread
Don’t let the posts trick you. You won’t pack a TOTY. Don’t buy FC Points!
M i t i g a t e
E x t i n g u i s h
Can someone explain how I’ve packed her gold card when she’s toty 😂😂
TOTY 12th Player Voting
I am Raúl Asencio and I approve this message
TOTY Evo hasn't given finesse plus but should have. Anyone else finished it?
Who are the new meta defenders after the patch thank you.
Regular gold card not toty ?!
Packed him. Who would you play LW in my team (or maybe 2nd ST)? (Was thinking Diaz and Salah 2nd ST with Mbappé and Neto RW?)
I guess this is rush for the foreseeable
Saved packs and duplicate fodder
i threw away zidane
EVO Club members: Zidane Unpeashed
Best players for TOTY RW / CB evo for brand new player
What just happened 🙀