All Stars S02E02 (Tuesday 14th January) "Another New Bombshell Surprises the Villa"
Do y’all use your Apple Watch in the sauna?
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
Looking to speak to people who identify as demisexual, who have also been single long term (over age 25 and never had a relationship or been single for at least 4 years)
Looking for empowering stories and quotes for my writing project!
Full cast announcement megathread
Looking to hear from those of you who have never had a relationship or have been single long term (4 years minimum)
Looking for anon quotes I can use for a writing project. So tell me: in your opinion, what’s the worst thing about being single? And what’s the best thing about being single?
Isn't life so interesting and fascinating?
How has fitness changed your life??!
Do gyms really explode in popularity in the new year?
How Old Is Your Apple Watch?
Squid Game Season 2: Episode 1 Discussion
What are your fitness goals for the new year?
If I were able to enter a relationship I would never cheat on or abuse her
Boyfriend drives recklessly and it really turns me off.
How do you stop yourself from eating all the cookies in a pack in one go?
Kendall’s new post: some blonde
I'm 95% sure the limerence has gone. Here's what helped me.
Hopefully moving on
How to build up an emotional wall?
What makes you happy?
The mystery of the missing ninth house?
As a non smoker does every smoker smell bad to you?