Posterior Fornix?
I unlocked Steel Path in 3 days.
My girlfriend’s anniversary gift.
Account giveaway global
Ain’t no way 💀
RTA team assistance
Account Giveaway #5: Nepth + Tiana Starter
Account Giveaway #4: Nepth + Tiana Starter
Account Giveaway #3: Zerath + Salah Starter
Account Giveway #2: Leo, Kinki, Ragdoll Starter
Account Giveway #1: Rahul & Zenisek Starter
Dorothy 2nd ld5... Best teams and build??
Question: I keep hitting my partners cervix when I thrust all the way but not when she rides on top, Confused?
How to rune Dorothy?
Her toy is blowing my mind.
“Nuke is like a regular 9-5 job.”
I saw a study that said that 6.3/6.4 inches is pretty much women’s ideal penis size.
“Force it inside me.”
Question for the fit men, atheletes, and gym bros who have a preference for chubby, out of shape women, why?
I am an Incel. AMA
What’s the worst reaction someone has ever had to you telling them you weren’t interested?
What was your worst "I can't believe I didn't realize she was into me" moment?
I was jealous of a man with a sp
Ok, I made a post before related to this, what would you use instead of gifted to describe our characteristics?