Design ideas welcome!
Nervous about my dress 😫
Wedding DJ recommendations
Possible ringworm?
Changing light fixture in 70s home
Just bought this house, no idea what this is! Central Indiana
Help me decide metal color!
Storm door color?
Meloxicam use in cats
Enlarged spleen in my dog
Freaking out. 4 month old Old English Sheepdog just puked and had diarrhea where 3 socks came out
Did they give my dog the wrong medication?
I was told today that my dog has 2 stomachs
Opinion on my puppy's current condition
Vet said “I really don’t know why the UTI won’t go away” and specialists are booked until January. Help!
My dog passed away today while I was at work, my vet refuses to give me hypotheticals based on what happened, & I just want to understand so I can process my loss easier
Normal proceedings when a cat is the be put down?
Is small pees better than no pees??
Cat pukes every single day
switch from ketorlac to ibuprofen
Has anyone ever bought anything from
Changing my first house’s exterior. Would love to know everyone’s opinion on color scheme.
Cat seems to have an abscessed tooth, Is there anything I can do to help her until we can see her vet?
Sores on my dogs paw