I headcanon Cozy Glow as someone with the same disorders as the creepy girl/woman from The Orphan
What are everyone’s favourite ponies?
whyy does he live with the apple family? 😭
I dont want to talk abt it
does anyone know what their houses look like?
Bruh I bought her on sale, but why does she look like that 😭💀
Wait I just noticed how similar these two look😭
The child is on sale, repeating the child is on sale
Oh no she did NOT
I bought a child for 1 million bits
will i be able to get her? (wrong answers only)
Should I report this to Client Support?
Is this guy worth getting?
Does anyone have a "special closed area" they really put effort into? If yes I'd love to see it I need inspo
Not so serious anymore😈
What is your unpopular nitpick?
Great idea but they look horrible in game... I thibk they should have putted them in the mermare's heaven or just let them be silly and walk on grass cause the water effect is literally disgusting
I've been wanting them ever since I started playing finallyyy 😭
In my eyes all three princesses finally together <3
Who should I get?
Girl ur way too pretty for them
OMG????!!? they’re rlly slaying with this and next months ponies
Audible sigh of defeat and exhaustion