What's up with the constant alt-right incel posts on here? Are Gen Z men okay?
Why is dating so hard for men? /s
Not surprised that GenZ dudes in my country went ahead and voted for Trump.
Personality Detectors Malfunctioning
Proving IncelTears wrong in 5 seconds.
Short men and tall men should not interact with each other
Why are young men getting more right wing?
Hats off to the people who:
Me (5’3”) and my partner (6’7”)
Anyone else depressed now that trump is in office again
Wanna deal with women's height standards and pay $30 for it?
Former Incels IS poster here
Normies, are you concern about losing culture war with incels?
Is reddits reputation as alt right pipeline and gamer bro place outdated?
Case closed
I think almost every incel has the potential to get out of the hole
She falled in love with his great personality
How can we learn to trust each other again, men and women of Gen Z?
BUt iTs juST a PrefErenCe brOo
Do any of you have a 6 pack and if so how does it change women’s perspective of you?
Even when the short guys gets good looking girls, ofc he gotta look like Brad Pitt "Lethal" looks or gg.
As a girl, I don’t mind being approached if they’re respectful.
Ig he just jealous he can't go